Modern Workplace Brewer, MVP & MCT

Hi all,

I finally found some time for a blog post. In addition to my daily work, I am busy with many things that take a lot of time. Occasionally it takes a bit of trouble at home, but with good agreements, I have the right work / private balance.

But what do I do besides to my Microsoft Cloud Consultant role? As I said, quite a lot. Namely:

  • Book author
    in July 2019, I was asked to write an exam book about the Microsoft MD-100 exam. I have been working on this since September 2019, and I am now halfway. Chapter 6 was approved yesterday. And the plan is that the book will be published in April 2020 or May 2020. It is quite a bit that writing, sending a draft, getting draft back, reviewing comments, and adjusting, but when the answer comes that the draft has been officially approved, I am quite proud of myself. In the meantime, I am working on chapter 8, so the end is in sight.

  • CompTIA CTT + training
    Last January 2020, I started training CompTIA CTT +. The training days are ready. The presentation has been recorded and is ready to be sent to CompTIA. But first, take and pass the theory test. This is planned for the end of March. Then the planning is to request the Microsoft Certified Trainer role.

  • ExpertsLiveNL
    Some time ago, I was asked if I wanted to be in the ExpertsLiveNL's SpeakerPanel. Of course I asked what I had to do for this. It was said that no more than an hour of work was required to assess 190 submitted sessions. Well…. That was almost 2 hours. Always lovely to be asked for a big community event to do this. I am certainly proud of that too. Check for more info over ExpertsLiveNL at their website at

  • Potential speaker
    Following the review of submitted sessions for ExpertsLiveNL and the training for CTT +, I submitted two sessions for the Workplace Ninja Summit in August 2020 in Zurich, Switzerland. So now, we wait and see if one or both sessions are accepted.

  • Volunteer FutureNL
    Recently, I registered as a volunteer at FutureNL / CodeUur to give programming lessons. FutureNL is a foundation that is committed to offering free programming lessons for group 7 and group 8 of a primary school in the Netherlands.

The activities mentioned above are a brief overview of what I do besides my work. The most important thing is that I enjoy doing this and can use this opportunity.

With kind regards,


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